Karen Face and Body Art Services
Please visit FAQ for more information on what things to consider when hiring a face painter for your event.
Face and Body Painting
Face and Arm Painting for Parties and Events
Pricing from HKD$880/hr
Minimum 1.5 hours
Depending on location a HKD$100-300 additional charge may be required.
*Hourly rate accurate as of January 2024.
Price may be subject to change.
Please contact us for a more detailed estimate for your party.
Facepainting workshop
Small group workshop is available for adults and kids alike!
Looking to dabble into face and painting but not sure where to start?
Workshop for 1-2 persons from $880/hr
Depending on location a HKD$100-300 additional charge may be required.
*Hourly rate accurate as of January 2023. Price may be subject to change
Please contact us for more information on workshop options available.